Well I'm more then a little late on this post. Last year I posted about my 2011 goals in early Jan- you know that typical time to look back and look forward and think about what you'd like to do differently this year. Well better late then never. Before listing off some of my new goals I thought I'd go back and touch on a few of my successful and not so successful 2011's goals.
2011 Goals: 1. Launch my new brand, website and business name. That one went off without a hitch. The new website has been up and going for over a year now. I still love it although I'm hoping to make a few small changes and update some of the galley images. 3. Shoot 15 weddings- believe it or not I shot exactly 15 weddings in 2011. Plus a few second shooting. It was a great year!!! 6. Offer to help and try to inspire other photographers. This is a HUGE goal of mine and one that has really scared me. This past week I announced my very first workshop for "Newbies". I am so excited and so happy to be able to put this together and I can't wait to meet all these new amazing photographers! 11. Take portraits of my parents together. Unfortunately this is one of the goals I didn't achieve this year- but I'm hopeful 2012 will see this one a success. 16. Blog more consistently. This one is not a total failure but also not a huge success. I'm still working on this one. 18. Invest in my business (including ordering new studio sample albums and some new equipment). Well I did invest in a few new studio albums although two of them were in the early months of 2012 so not quite a full success but I did also invest in my new 35mm lens last fall and that has been a wonderful addition to my camera bag. 23. Have my parents over for dinner at least once a month. Well i'm not sure we averaged once a month but we did host them for dinner quite a few times in 2011 and already a few times in 2012.
There are plenty of other things on my goal list that didn't get accomplished but by re-reading them and reminding myself of these goals it's helping me set new goals for 2012. Here are a few:
2012 Goals:
1. Marry my best friend. (July 20, 2012!!!) 2. Travel more (we are headed to Scotland for our honeymoon- I CAN'T WAIT!!!!) 3. Take portraits of my parents together!!!! 4. Shoot 15 weddings. It was a great number for me and I'm happy if I can stay in this 15-20 weddings a year range. 5. Shoot more for personal projects. I'm really hoping to expand my personal art portfolio this year. 6. Finish our backyard. Currently our back yard is a big dirt pile. Well it still has a little snow on it but still, there is no grass and it's not pretty and my goal is to have grass back there this year. 7. Going along with #6 and the home improvement plans- PAVE OUR DRIVE WAY!!!! During this wonderful time of year we call Mud Season our drive way becomes a total mud pit. It's time to pave it and solve this issues for good. 8. I'd love to be able to teach another Newbies Workshop. I've already had 4 or 5 people who were excited to come but the date and time didn't work for them. I'm hoping to schedule another one for this fall that these people and hopefully some more will be able to attend. 9. Keep better work hours. I thought having an office/studio would really help with this and to be honest it does during the summer and fall but this winter and spring I've been a little too lax with my business working hours. 10. Visit my family in VA. This is a big one for me. My grandfather is in his 90's and I really want to make the effort to get to VA to see him more often. Plus the other bonus of this is to also visit all my photo friends in the DC area :)
I could go on and on with this list but I felt like having 10 was a good place to start. So although it's really 3+ months late I'm excited to look at 2012 for all it's possibilities and push myself this year to really check these things off this goal list and not pull it up in Dec just to realize that I've only accomplished one or two.
It's a beautiful, sunny, 70 degree day in March here in North Conway- so I'm headed out to enjoy it.
XOXO Spring