When I got an email from Mary asking if I had plans for halloween I'm not going to lie I did a happy dance. She was planning a halloween party, costumes required. I was all in and as we watched Super Storm Sandy attack the east coast I worried if this might be a no power halloween party. Luckily they were spared anything crazy here in New Haven and the party was on! I got to finally meet some facebook friends in person and make them real life friends. We drank wine, watched scary movies, ate lots of yummy food and even though there were no trick-or-treaters (the neighborhood postponed halloween trick-or-treating until next week because of the storm) we still went all out with costumes and of course we had to do lots of photos- editorial style and all. Justin and Mary are planning to post some of the real photos on their blog so you can check that out here, and in the mean time enjoy a few instagrams from one of the best halloweens in my book!
How did you spend your halloween? Did you dress up? Was there a party? Scary Movies? Sound off in that comments section down there and someone is going to win a $10 itunes card!
XOXO Spring