I'm sick - yet again. I don't really understand how I have managed to have two bad colds in the past two months... talk about bad luck! So not only am I working on moving my office upstairs, making some updates to my website and blog and trying to finish up 2012's wedding season now I'm dealing with a cough that just won't quit. The good news is that I'm movin' on up- meaning my office is almost 100% moved to my new 2nd floor location. Just working on hanging up the last few photos but I thought I'd give you a little sneak peak at the new space. I had to paint the floors and even though it's pretty much all the same furniture (ok who am i kidding i didn't even get new pillows) it does seem to have a little different feel up here. I get a killer view of the village and a little more sunlight seems to sneak in these windows up high. Once all the pictures are on the walls I'll share more photos but for now enjoy a little peek into my new office/studio.
XOXO Spring