For those of you in New England I hope you all faired as well as we did during Nemo! For those of you who are not in New England you may be wondering how a little clown fish decided to reek havoc on us! Nemo was quite the winter storm and although he didn't dump nearly as much snow up here as it did on the coast and further south, we got our fair share of 12-15 inches through Mt. Washington Valley. Of course shoveling and snowblowing are a blast no matter how much snow you get *insert sarcastic smile* I spent a majority of my day saturday digging out and now looking out the windows there is this white stuff falling from the sky AGAIN! Don't get me wrong, I'm actually a fan of winter. The cold doesn't drive me crazy and the snow is very pretty. It's the cleaning up that drives me bananas! Today we have 2-4 inches falling then turning to freezing rain and eventually just rain so I'm trying to time it just right to get the clean up in before the rain but once most of the snow has fallen so that it is easy clean up and doesn't turn our driveway into a frozen mess!
In the meantime, while waiting for this perfect clean up time to begin I'm enjoying playing catch up on last nights Grammys! I'm a music lover and honestly can't get enough of the live performances. I didn't watch last night as my husband would never let me change the channel when the Bruins game is on (which they won last night- GO B's!!). So, I've been playing catch up on youtube all morning! I have to say that my favorite preformance was the Bob Marley tribute. Incase you missed it:
Wish me luck as I sing "Could You be Loved" and think of warm summer days while cleaning up the never ending piles of snow! XOXO Spring